2000 years ago, when Jesus walked the earth, He healed the sick, He touched them, lifted them saying : « Yours sins are forgiven ». We have the example in St Marc’s gospel chaptel 2 ; Jesus forgives a paralyzed man of his sins and restores his bodily health.
Jesus, who died and rose from the dead, wants His church to continue His work of healing and salvation through power of the Holy Spirit. « On the evening of te day He rose from the dead, Jesus came to His disciples and said : Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven ; if you retain the sins of any, ther are retained » (Jn 20,23).
The priest, who is himself, a sinner, having experienced the Joy of Mercy in the sacrament of reconciliation, is a servant of Mercy enabling us to receive this sacrament. The simplest and easiest way to receive the sacrament of reconciliation is to ask a priest. He will guide you, if you have any problems as to hom to confess yours sins.
In the sacrament of reconciliation, we confess ours sins, we acknowledge that God’s Mercy is always waiting for us, always understands us, and always forgive us. We confess ous sins, the evil that we are capable of committing. Jesus welcomes us with ours sins, readyto give us a new heart capable of loving with a Love like His « Jesus gazes on us with such love ! With so much love He heals our sinners’ hearts ! He is never scared of ours ins » (Pope Francis).
The sacrament of reconciliation heals the heart of mankind wounded by evil. It enables us to restore the freshness of our Baptism. It is an experience of Mercy which makes one capable of changing, converting, forgiving and living the Christian Life. We are reconciled with God, with the Church and our brothers and sisters. We receive the power of the Love of God which restores the life and the enthusiasm of faith.